Los comentarios de los miembros:

 =  Hola, Edilberto!
John Willy Kopperud
[24.Aug.07 05:45]

The beauty of a human lifespan reflected through music.
This reminded me of the expression "Art by accident."
I really did enjoy it, Edilberto!
Cheers from Willy

 =  reading the signs - Willy
Edilberto González Trejos
[25.Aug.07 14:57]
oh! Willy, great reading "of the signs" and great focus!
People often beat around the bush, looks for effects ignoring the causes, living a shallow, hollow life, ignoring to feed their inner side.

Cheers SONGO

 =  Interesting...
Sydney Krivenko
[25.Aug.07 16:16]
Interesting... gives me something to think about.
Well done, Edilberto,
only this effectist circumlocution... a bit much, sounds like a violation, was this meant to be?

 =  Thank you for your generous response
John Willy Kopperud
[25.Aug.07 16:21]
...To "Supermen?", Edilberto. When you see this, why don't you
check out the poen "Submerged" ? There you might find an answer to a question you have asked me.

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