Los comentarios de los miembros:

 =  The secret sacrifice of rubber and flesh
John Willy Kopperud
[16.Jan.08 01:46]

Some ominous urban landscape painting there, Edilberto!
Enjoyed it!

Cheers from Willy

 =  urban corners Willy
Edilberto González Trejos
[01.Feb.08 15:47]
It felt strange, like the magnetic centre of the Earth moved to some old urban corner - and I was there - witnessing dark rituals of a nomad town.

Cheers Willy

 =  Nice poem Edilberto!
Marius Surleac
[07.Feb.08 09:43]
It is okay to feel strange when you talk about magnetism, because through our bodies passes electrical curent of low voltages with high field distribution on square feet.
And in "urban labyrinths" you probably felt static electricity.
Is very nice that you've transpose physical feelings into poetry. Actually we all do the same.
Very nice falls of words!

 =  Falls of words
Edilberto González Trejos
[09.Feb.08 19:27]
"Falls of words"
I like this image, I could make a poem out of it!
Thanks for your words


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