Los comentarios de los miembros:

 =  !
Marius Surleac
[24.Oct.08 16:40]
I think there shoould be "oneiric" instead of "onirical" and "conclusion" instead of "conlusion".

 =  thank you!
Edilberto González Trejos
[24.Oct.08 19:30]
Dear Marius, in this case I use "onirical" as an adjective, as when I say "logical world" instead of "logic world".

As for "oniric" and "oneiric", they are both correct

And thanks for the thorough reading, and for noting the typo in "conlusion" which must be conclusion.

All the best to you


 =  ex
felix nicolau
[25.Oct.08 22:54]
very interesting and funny these delimitations! would have been great just some examples from X and Y poetry

 =  translation
Edilberto González Trejos
[25.Oct.08 23:10]
Dear Felix,

Since our mother language is Spanish, we are working on a Project to translate our Poetry and Narrative into English.
We have an arbitrary pick of around 18-20 Panamanian writers born between 1971 and 1987.
I`ll keep you posted on this !


 =  even
felix nicolau
[27.Oct.08 18:04]
would've been even greater in Spanish. at least for me

 =  hola
Florin Hulubei
[07.Nov.08 08:52]
Hola, Songo!
Very nice to read about poets from Panama! It is a marvelous opportunity to discover new areas of the poetry in this world full of so many fake literary "works".
Thank you!

 =  Thank you, Edilberto...
John Willy Kopperud
[07.Nov.08 13:54]
...for this glimpse into the community of writers in Panama.
Enthusiasm shines through!
Cheers from Willy

 =  Florin- true quest
Edilberto González Trejos
[08.Nov.08 18:04]
Thanks Florin!

Tha commitment and authentic search for Art is universal, so the posing is...
Therefore, we must have a constant interaction with those "birds of a feather" and... flock together...
Welcome anytimne to the Tropics Amigo


 =  Willy - From Panama
Edilberto González Trejos
[08.Nov.08 18:05]
A tiny Isthmus, almost an Island, Panama, this is what we are...
"Pro Mundi Beneficio"
Thanks Willy

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