Biografía Naim Araidi
Naim Araidi was born in 1950, in the Druze village of Marrar in the Galilee. He went to Hebrew school in Haifa, and continued to a PhD in Hebrew Literature. He teaches in Haifa and has published numerous books of poetry and prose both Arabic and Hebrew. He has been awarded the Prime Minister's Award; The Creativity Prize for Arabic Literature; and an honorary PhD from the World Academy for Arts and Culture. A book of poetry entitled Back to the Village is available in English
The first poetry book published in 1972 and others: Back into the village, 1986 - Perhaps this is love, 1990 - Five dimensions, 1991
Soldiers of water,1988 (prose) Fatal baptizing, 1992 (novel), Still - run deep, 2003 (poems). He has been translated into many languages.
Books Published in Hebrew
Is Love Possible [poetry), Eked, 1972 [Eich Efshar Leehov)
Compassion and Fear [poetry), Eked, 1975 [Hemlah Ve-Pahad)
Return to the Village [poetry), Am Oved, 1986 [Hazarti El Ha-Kefar)
Perhaps it`s Love [poems ), Sifriat Ma`ariv, 1990 [Ulai Ze Ahava)
In Five Dimensions [poetry), Sifriat Poalim, 1991 [Be-Hamishah Meimadim)
Fatal Baptism [novel), Bitan Publishing, 1992 [Tevilah Katlanit)