Los comentarios de los miembros:

 =  ==
Monica David
[03.Feb.08 14:46]
Very thoughtful, I like this poem very much.
You used the perfect 'colors' for the right picture.
A beautiful day, Monica

 =  Nice work Edilberto!
Marius Surleac
[04.Feb.08 19:38]
Yes, like Monica said, the paint is very expressive, all the ideas are associated with no pray for a Desolation Desert devoured by Fire. If Panama looks like that, then you have experienced tough feelings.
Have a nice day!

 =  Monica - colours
Edilberto González Trejos
[06.Feb.08 19:03]
Thanks for your comments Monica. After having read a book of BORGES called "This Craft of Verse" I started to play with some recurrent images of the deluge and the fire, as well as the "safety" of the church...
A postmodern view (or anacaliptic one?) of a world that somehow loses the notion of "safety" and support.



 =  fire & hope - Marius
Edilberto González Trejos
[06.Feb.08 19:06]
Dear Marius, Panama is in fact a tropical, green country, full of rainforest, great coasts .. However it also has an urban, greedy boom that somehow threatens the "peace of spirit" we once knew (cfr. Exhausted Horizon also translated to Romanian by Heghedus Camelia)---
We also had a deluge of fire when the US Troops invaded us back in December 1989 but that is another story pal.
In the end it is my view of a postmodern world, kinda "Mad Max" vision of a world destroyed by its inhabitants.

Cheers Poet


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